Christians, we live today in light of that future reality. It is hope for us now – hope for the transformation and shalom of people, cities, and the world now.


Love God and love people. At the end of the day, that’s what matters. So, we are a community that welcomes people from all walks of life – regardless of where they’re at in their spiritual journey. We believe this journey begins with a renewal in our own lives, extends to our families, and then to our neighbors.


“Work for the well-being of the city where I have sent you to and pray to the Lord for this. For if it is well with the city you live in, it will be well with you” –Jeremiah 29:7

More than being a church “in the city”, we believe God has called The Orchard Community to be a part of what makes our city what it is. That’s why we intentionally invest in renewing our city via the arts, service, and inspiring a better future for our local community.


When we look at the world around us, we see redemption waiting to happen. We see it as our responsibility to bring that to life. And in doing so, it not only allows us to change the world, but it also changes us by broadening of our perspectives. The fact that God will one day forge a new heaven and a new earth does not lessen the value of this present heaven and earth. If anything, it underscores the eternal worth and goodness of creation. Therefore, we will care well for creation.

Art By Katrina Beck

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