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The Orchard Community gathers online every Sunday at 11am
Second Sundays at Society 57 - 100 S. River St. Aurora IL at 11am

Join Online

Get a sense of who we are & what we’re about from anywhere.


Digital Liturgies

We gather remotely for our digital liturgy on Sundays at 11 AM. Join here to watch together and interact live, or view previous liturgies on our Vimeo feed.

Orchard Conversations Podcast

Get the flavor of our typical teaching conversations on our podcast. Subscribe here or in your fave podcast app.

Gather Together

Connect in person.


Table Gatherings

Table Gatherings are small groups of people who meet to experience the liturgy, a meal, and a conversation together. We meet most Sundays at a different home in the Fox Valley, IL area and the Leavenworth, WA area. Learn more about Table Gatherings here.

Second Sundays

On the second Sunday of each month, the Aurora-based Orchard community gathers for an all-ages liturgy with music, prayer, teaching and communion at the event space in Society57. Check our Facebook page for details about the next gathering.