Holy Week Resources

Maundy Thursday

Tenebrae Service

Our friends at New England Congregational are putting together a Holy Thursday Tenebrae service and have invited our community to join.

This special service will feature a variety of special music, readings, and the extinguishing of candles.  While meditative, it is also interactive and appropriate for people of all ages. We hope you’ll join us.

March 28 • 7 PM

New England Congregational Church
406 W Galena Blvd
Aurora, IL 60506

Good Friday

Contemplative Walk

Walking on Good Friday is a traditional way to reflect on the story of the cross. As Jesus journeyed through his final days, so we journey in our contemplation.

This guide includes planning tips, scriptures to read, questions for reflection, prayers, and spiritual practices.


Stations of the Cross Video

Easter Sunday

Easter Morning Gathering

Join us at 11 AM on Easter Sunday at Society57 for The Orchard’s celebration!

Society57 • 100 S River St, Aurora, IL 60506

Gathering at Your Table

Use this “Easter Table Liturgy” with your family or friends to create space for joy, prayer and connection with God and one another.